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Students Articles

The German reimbursement System for Nigeria: can it work. By Bourkhard Koemm

Purchasing preventive care programmes for coronary disease in primary care centres. By Gerarld Dziekan

Autonomous Hospitals. Drawing from UK experience. By Gerarld Dziekan

The mass media. By Jennifer Dargan

Developing countries have nothing to learn from the historical experience of developed countries?. By Jennifer Dargan

Methods of hospital financing and how hospital financing may affect equity and efficiency. By Jennifer Dargan

The slow path of reform: Who is to blame?. By Xavier Modol

Quasi-markets. Are they any good? By Xavier Modol

The performance of the chilean health system financing and possible reforms. By Nelson Serrano

It is the WHO's attempts to quantify health systems' performance and to use these results to rank them as a bad joke?. By Alexandre Barna

The role of governments and Historical perspectives. By Laetitia Caporici (IHP) and Jennifer Dargan (HPPF)

Top-down an bottom-up views of policy implementation. By Tone Torgersen

Health financing policy reform in South Africa. By Haroon Wadee

Health Planning for HIV in South Africa. By Haroon Wadee

An alternative approach to user fee policy in the primary health care setting of Bangladesh.By Nazneen Akhter


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