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This is the HPPF's alumni web page. It is on the web space to offer information, opinions, point of views and intellectual contributions from former and (we hope) current HPPF students.
We met the HPPF because we tried to make Health Policy for Humanity. So we had an intense academic training, we listened, debated, and proposed health policies to obtain a future more equitable, efficient and worthy. Every single day was an intense experience debating the most interesting issues related to the international health arena: health Policy, health economy, epidemiology, planning, financing and management.
Students from different countries and cultures gathered here for nine months to interchange points of view, believes, experiences and cultural approaches related to the International Health Policy. That diversity and intellectual richness is one of our most important gifts, so we try to preserve it and nourish it in this world-wide network.
Thus this Web page intents create a participative virtual space of communication and networking among the HPPF people. It is also a window of looking - inside to those interested in the HPPF MSc.
We hope that the HPPF's WP will have opportunity to participate actively with letters, essays, jokes, anecdotes, articles, pictures or whatever they consider necessary. Is open to the creativity and use of modern communication ways. As normally, this web page is ruled by norms of non-offensive or unfair use of electronic communication.


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