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Frequently Asked Questions 


Living in London
  • how much money do I need for my living

  • Well, it all depends on your lifestyle - but London is one of the most expensive places in this world! For a decent room in a shared flat not too far from the school plus transport with a student card you must calculate not less than 400.- British pounds that is 650.- US$ PER MONTH. Don't forget, you also have to eat, pay for warm clothes and heating in winter, and then, there is a social live as well. So less than 650,- BP = 1100.- US Dollar expenses PER MONTH is unrealistic! This is not a joke and many students find themselfs in serious financial trouble during the year when they run out of money. 
  • Some tips for economical issues

  • Most students try to get a scholarship from the one or the other organisation. In fact, most of the students have sponsors. How to get one? look below. Other students work parttime. This might be an alternative but be carefull to comply with the law here in GB. Additionally it might reduce the time you can devote to studying and have a detrimental affect on your results - though you might still manage to pass the exams. 
  • Any chance for financial support?
  • How do I find a decent accomodation
    The school has a social welfare office and the officer - in person Mrs. Margaret Parker - is really helpful and very friendly. She knows all tricks and gets usually good informations about vacant and affordable accomodations. You can contact her by clicking with the left mouse key onto the question. The link will take you straight into her office. Good luck and best regards! If you have any problem contact her:
  • Cultural environment

  • Do I need computer skills?

  • Computer skills are of great help but if you do not have any, don't worry - the school is very helpfull and offers free courses right from the beginning of the year. However, if you can gather some information and have at least a rough idea what a computer looks like and is handled - that is of advantage! All the information network in the school runs via the email system. You are given a free email address from the school. You can use it for the year for free that means you can send and receive as many mails as you want for free. A very good - and cheap - chance to stay in contact with family and friends. 

  • Do I need my own computer?

  • NO, you do not need one. The school provides hundreds of computers in special rooms in their buildings for use by students. However, during busy times (especially to the end of deadlines for assignments) you might have to cue to get hand on one machine. So if you are fortunate enough to have your own laptop it would be wise to bring it along. It saves you a lot of time and hassle.  Otherwise there are opportunities to rent a laptop.
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