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HPPF Explained - General Information


HPPF is a joining MSc between two leading institutions the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine and the London School of Economics and Social Sciences. HPPF is essentially oriented to policy making. Thus its general content is oriented to obtain knowledge of international and national health policies.

HPPF provides an understanding of one or more disciplines to formulate, implement and evaluate health policies and plans. It prepares also students' competence in searching, presenting and communicating empirical evidence.

HPPF allows an understanding of health policies in developed and in developing countries using a multidisciplinary approach with tools from health planning, economics, social sciences, and epidemiology. Both the LHSTM and LSE provide a first hand researches and access to leading researchers and professors.

The HPPF interchange of knowledge and experience give students an extraordinary opportunity to learn about modern theories, and to improve policy-making tools. But also provides an understanding of feelings and believes from different cultures that creates a special sense for sympathy, tolerance and good governance.

Last but not least HPPF gives the opportunity to Work for Governments, International Agencies, NGOs and the Private sector


HPPF Explained - Course Structure



The HPPF educational strategy allows students to obtain a strong background as well as a variety of other complementary courses to complete its choice. Students have compulsory courses (Foundations of Heath Policy), and courses that are strongly necessary according your professional interests (health economics, European Comparative Health Policy, Epidemiology). You also have opportunity to choice other courses to complement your professional background.

The following are some of the most known courses.

Foundations of Health Policy.

The LSE speciality. Hear about the Foundations of Health Policy from Julian Le Grand and know about the market failure, the health inequalities, and health systems. In the second term improve your knowledge of international issues with Prof. Ann Mills. Learn more about health reforms, inequalities in health, decentralisation, the role of financing and the role of quasi markets. The first hand research and theoretical approaches in this course are an invaluable opportunity for policy makers to learn and elaborate health policies.

At the first term attends the Gill Walt's Health Policy, Process and Process course to understand how many policies succeed by understanding the actors, the strategies and political context of current health policies. Do not loss any opportunity to listen the Health Policy Unit Seminars with lecturers from different countries.

Health economics.

Other LSE speciality. The first term leads by Prof. Charles Normand, give you the basics knowledge of health economics. Be familiar with health demand, Production, market failure, QALYS, DALYS and economics of insurance. Learn more about the cost opportunity and the better technical combination of resources to the minimum cost, and maximum of equality. Wonderful. At the second part you have opportunity to be a bit more specialised with Advanced Health Economics for Management & Planning, useful for national policy makers or Advanced Cost Effectiveness Analysis, the Martin Knappīs well managed course, for those who want a fashionable perspective of Economics.

Applied epidemiology.

The LSH main course. One of the best form LSHTM. At the first term you learn the necessary basic concepts of epidemiology for the second term. If you have a previous background in Epidemiology, do not worry, you would elect the Advanced EPI course. The second term have more intense and challenging courses such as environmental policy, control of infectious diseases, and other. Wonderfully at the term's end students are pale, tired but enjoying every minute.

Jean Monnet module in Europe and Comparative Health Policy.

This course shows the strengthening and weakness of the European Health Systems. The first term gives the opportunity to analyse the health policies of Central and East European Countries. Such a gamma of health reforms and lessons learned; do not miss the challenge of Elias Mossialosī leading course. The second term is a it more specialised in European health themes

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